Modern Slavery Act 2015

Statement of compliance as of May 2024 from CT4N Limited, CT4N Charitable Trust Limited, CT4N Training Ltd.

One of our beliefs is that everyone has the right to work in a respectful and professional environment, free of any abusive or unprofessional conduct, and that this commitment extends beyond our own organisation; in terms of working with our suppliers, to ensure our supply chain organisations also ensure a fair and respectful workplace for all.

The Board of Directors has considered the risk of modern slavery within all areas of our operations and has assessed the risk to be low. The reason for this analysis being that the company and all associated operations are performed as services solely within England.

All companies within our organisation are service providers, and as such, our largest resource is our staff.

We carefully check that all our employees have the right to work in this country, and we ensure that our pay rates are at or above the National Minimum Wage and /or Real Living Wage.

We also expect a commitment to these principles from all the organisations we do business with, and we will not support or do business knowingly with organisations involved in any form of modern slavery.

This policy will be reviewed annually.

Next review date May 2025.