Additional services
Banks Person Training
What is banks person training?
Banks person training ensures the safety of your team in the workplace by preparing and rehearsing them in reversing, guiding and unloading heavy passenger or cargo vehicles.

Do I require this training?
According to the HSE, on average 7 workers die as a result of accidents involving vehicles or mobile plant on construction sites each year. A Banks Person's job is to direct the flow of traffic via hand signals or radio to ensure that damage is not caused to vehicles, staff or facilities and to ensure the safe working of your day to day operations.
Requirements before undertaking banks person Training
There are no formal requirements needed before undertaking the Banks Person training. This training is recommended to those working with and around heavy goods or passengers vehicles such bus depots, building sites and warehouses.
Our banks person training
CT4N Training provides Banks Person training at either our Depot in Sherwood, Nottingham or at our site in Mansfield.
This is at a cost of £59 per person.
The training lasts for as necessary required and are competent to undertake their job.
Further Information
Get in touch with the team so we can discuss your requirements.
Call: 0115 986 3355